The National Sugar Policy (2010) as a product of extensive and prolonged consultations involving Government officials, miller’s executives, out grower representatives, private sector, academia, and mass media is a very good reference document to leverage planned advancement of the sugar cane industry. Although Busoga region is well established in sugar cane growing and also well known as a sugar cane processing sub region, the situation on ground is likely to push the sugar cane farmer supporters into deeper levels of poverty. This may imply low progress in the implementation of the above policy warranting evaluation of the planned implementation strategy

The pilot project on training of sugar cane farmers in value addition to sugar cane in Kamuli and Luuka was conducted as an attempt that can translate into improving livelihoods in Busoga Region. Sugar cane farmers were trained on processing of sugar cane juice from sugar cane, briquettes and paper from sugar cane bagasse, jaggery from the juice. This project was launched on 10th October 2019 by the RT. Honourable Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda, Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga at Kitayundwa Sub-county, Kamuli district. This was followed up with a meeting with His Excellency the President of the Republic of Uganda, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. Funding was provided for piloting the project.

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