Dr. Nambatya Grace Kyeyune
Director of Research

I welcome you all to the Natural Chemotherapeutics Research Institute (NCRI) website, an initiative to improve communication and ensure smooth flow of information to our stakeholders and the general public world over. NCRI has of recent seen a number of transformations, all intended to improve service delivery in the country. We are guided by our Mandate as stipulated under the Uganda National Health Research Organisation under which we are a constituent Institution: “Research on Natural products and Traditional Health Systems for treatment and Management of disease”.

Through strategic partnerships, we are focusing on clinical validation of the natural products around us to support the One Health agenda under the COVID-19 pandemic. A number of stakeholders have come forth with what they think can help them in terms of prevention of tough flues and we’ve never been as busy as we are now trying to chart out a strategy to support our people in these challenges through science.

As an Institution we have been always at the fore front of advocating for harmonic health, which comprises a balance between; Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and financial.

Feel free to access our free consultancy services on a diversity of health issues ranging from how to eat well, select health herbs for your home garden, balanced herbal extracts, what natural supplements to prioritise from our market and many more. In partnership with the directorate of Industrial training (DIT) under the Ministry of Education, we can guide you select areas through which you can be skilled and get into the field of appreciating the whole natural products process chain.

The Ministry of Health is greatly appreciated for entrusting us with being part of the big scientific force researching into natural remedies that could be taken into clinical trials to assess effectiveness and safety against COVID-19

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