The department’s activities are funded by the government of Uganda and donor agencies such as WHO, Italian Cooperation and IDRC in the past. The Department’s Ministry of Health Government allocation ranges between Ug.shs 300 to 400 Million per year. However, because of the MoH’s emergency programmes .i.e epidemic disasters, the department loses some of this money and it only receives about 40% of this allocation. Of the 40% received, 70% of it is paid by the MoH directly for utilities such as electricity, water and communication. This greatly has affected the operations of the department.
The other partners (donor agencies) contribute to research activities, policy formulation and sensitization. Their contribution accounts for 10% of the department’s annual budget expenditure while the rest comes from government. In the COVID-19 pandemic the Institute has been considered for funding to explore the biodiversity for therapeutics that can support to mitigate the pandemic that has reached fourth stage rapidly entranching into the communities and claiming lives. The research topic is :